This post is actually a compilation of two separate visits to Port San Luis, because I waited so long to post this that I had gone again.
The second time was in an attempt to see whales though, not an actual intentional visit to the Peir so i guess that makes it fine.
Disclaimer: I did not see any whales. Unless you count the splashes a million miles away that people say were whales.
But, no pics didn't happen.

I think this segment should actually be called Carina tries to describe things in her town very poorly.
But, I went over there with the little people the same day in fact as we went to Avila Valley Barn.
Sorry if you feel betrayed by that.

Port San Luis is also the place where you go if you want to see some Sea lions up close and personal, because they are all over the pier and boats.
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

There are a few places on the pier to walk down below, and down there you will be walking on sketchy floors, like so.

(also this is where the sea creatures like to hang, so watch out!)

At the end of the pier, there is a restaurant I have never eaten at and a large viewing area to see the whales that I couldn't see.
I'm so good at this blogging thing.

My oldest nephew, who refused to let me photograph him all day, took this photo of me. So even though I am so against ever having pictures of my head on this blog (ha!) I had to include it.

Are you enjoying seeing these local travel spots at all?
Lemme know.

Enjoy! XOXO
Of course! ;)