Easy Knitting Loom Infinity Scarf Tutorial

A while back, i mentioned that I was going to attempt to make an infinity scarf on a knitting loom. I had a craving for thick knitted cowl, and as it goes, I don't actually know how to knit. I'm also poor, so theres that.

I have made about a million hats on these looms, so why not make something else? Creative minds and all.

So I did it. Then I did it again two more times with different colors. And here is my photo-full, GIF infused, step by step instructions on how to make a knitted infinity scarf (and or cowl) on a knitting loom!

This is a great little winter project, and would also make a great last minute Christmas gift!

Lets get to it:

To start, purchase a nice thick skein of yarn. Both this blue scarf, and the rust colored one were made with a yarn by Heartland. You can certainly use a less thick yarn, as i did with the gray scarf-but you will need to double up the strings so that the scarf won't end up all hole-y like. (the stitches will end up the same size using the loom, no matter the size of your yarn. You want a thicker one that will fill out the stitches.) I used the largest circular loom (the yellow one) to make these scarves, you could probably also use one of those rectangular ones-but I don't have one of those so I dint know how they work.

If you are making a scarf for a small child, or you have a freakishly small neck, you can probably just make the scarf as you would a hat-and not seal of the ends. The scarf is basically being made as a rectangle, then the ends get put together to make it an infinity scarf.  If you desire, you can also forego the joining of the ends, and make it a regular scarf.

The amount of yarn you need depends on how long you want to make your scarf.  I used two skeins of Heartland yarn, but for the grey one that I doubled up I needed four skeins. You will definitely  need at least two skeins though.

(pictures move left to right)

First)  Wrap the end of your yarn around the little knob on the side of the loom. Don't tie it, just wrap it around a good few times. Next, you'll wrap the yarn around each peg. Pull the yarn around the back of the first peg, and on to the next. Continue around the whole loom until you get to the last peg*, then turn you yarn around, and produce another loop around each peg until you get back the the first peg. There should be two loops on each peg. (*If you were making a hat, you would continue the yarn back around the first peg so that it links together. BUT we are making a scarf. So you do not want it to go around the circle, unless you have an incredibly small neck. Also, if you desire a thinner scarf, just stop your row at an earlier peg. )

This is how you loop around the pegs:

Next, you will use your handy little tool and pull the bottom loop over the top loop on each peg, starting at the end of the row. (the last loop you made, before starting the second row of loops. Not the first peg you looped around.)

Like so:

After you have pulled all the bottoms over the tops, you will begin again. Make another loop around the top of the peg, then pull the bottoms over. Keep doing this until you have reached the desired length of your scarf.

To finish your scarf, you will pull ll the bottoms over the top, so that there is only one row. Then you will pull the bottom of your scarf over the pegs To do this, find the loops on what was the very first row you made, and put on loop over each peg. (as seen in third photo) Next, you will pull the bottom loop over the top loop (which is the bottom of your scarf) until there is only one loop on your scarf. 

Then, you will cut your yarn, so that there is a good tail. ( I measure it by wrapping the string of yarn around the whole loom once or twice, then cut it.) You will wrap the tail around the peg as you would have if you were making a new row, but rather then going around the whole loom, only do one peg at a time. Pull the bottom loop over the top, as you would-but then pull the remaining loop which is your tail of yarn, all the way out, so that nothing is left on that peg.( as seen in the last photo)

That probably sounds confusing, I know. I'm not really that great at describing instructions. I'm a visual learner/teacher, you see...

Anyhoo, after all your loops are off the loom, adjust your scarf, so that the tail of yarn is loose and flexible. Then tie off the end, and weave the little tail back into itself.

And here is the finished product:

They are all a little different, the blue and rust are made the same; both as a sort of cowl, with the blue just a little bit shorter. Then the grey one I made skinnier and longer, so that it can wrap around my neck twice-and still be pretty loose.

If you make it to thick, and it starts to bother the back of your neck, you can just were it as a hood instead. See:

Lemons into lemonade.

Let me know if you have any questions about these instructions at all. If you are totally confused, and need me to come sit on your couch and chow you how to do it; that can be arranged. For a fee. ;)

Enjoy! XOXOX

| if you don't already have a knitting loom, get the set here! |

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