Gluten Free Black and White Cookies

I have never been to New York.
There was a time in high school were my plan/wishful thinking was to go to NYU and enter the Clive Davis music program and live happily ever after as a fancy music person. Then my dad decided to open a recording studio (read:mid-life crisis) and I was forced to move on to new better dreams. Its not cool if your dads doing it. That and I, for the last ten years have had a new master life plan every week. Its really quite a talent, dreaming up different lives...is there a career hidden in that somewhere? 

New York is famous for a variety of things, and many different food trends romp the streets--one of which is the black and white cookie.
I have never eaten a New York Black and White cookie, and unless there is a gluten/dairy free bakery there somewhere making them-I never will.
With this realization, my hand is forced. I must make them myself. My hand will then be forced once again to shove them in my mouth. Because thats what you do with cookies. 

According to the information I have gathered off of the internet, a black and white cookie should involve the following:
-cookies should be soft and sponge like, as it is really more of a cake batter then a cookie. Slightly shortbreadish, with a hint of lemon.
-One half is chocolate, the other vanilla. Traditionally both sides would be fondant. But most are made with chocolate ganache, and vanilla fondant. The messier ones use buttercream for the vanilla or both sides.
-It should dome slightly in the middle, while still remaining soft on the thinner areas.

That all I guess. I thought I learned more facts then that...oh well. 

This gluten/dairy free version had all of those qualities! I experimented with different sizes/thickness and my favorite version was definitely the larger/flatter ones. Mostly the smaller ones were not as good because I cooked them too long, and they got a little bit dried out. So pay close attention when cooking! You want them to stay moist and delicious!
For the frostings, I kept it simple and light with a vanilla glaze and melted chocolate. I didn't want to add too much more sugar, and also cannot use corn syrup for a traditional topping. You can top them with any variation of vanilla/chocolate you'd like though! 
Then eat three and feel okay about it, because really its cake and three cookies equal one slice of cake. Makes sense right?

Also, because this.

Here is the recipe printable!

Enjoy! xoxox

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