Lets Catch Up

Please forgive me for the lack of posting lately. So much has been happening! Last we spoke, I was just catching up on Turkey day in time for Christmas. Well, now its time to catch up on Christmas, New Years, and everything else.

Please also forgive these sad, unedited photos.

 >>>Christmas eve dinner, and party snacks.

 >>>Brown paper packages tied up with strings! Inside: Chocolate macarons, homemade marshmallows, and fresh caramels.

 >>>Hunger games gingerbread men, to continue the tradition of years past movie characters in the form of cookies.

 >>> My little tree finally went back in the box this week, just in time for the crazy 90degree weather. Where is my winter!

 >>>First Sunset of the year!

 >>> Date with my boys to see Frozen. Boy number 1 was there too, if you were wondering.

 >> And last but not least, My new niece! Little Emma was born just a few days into the new year, and is cute as can be.

Remember to follow along on Instagram for current news and happenings!


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