It's July now guys! Does that mean anything to anybody?!
For me, July means its time for the final countdown until my seesters wedding, it means lots of barbeques and popsicles, and maybe a few beach days thrown in the mix. I do live like ten minutes away from several different beaches, I should really go there more often then I do.
But then again, all them tourists will be filling up the place. What good is that?
This past week on the coast has been uncharacteristically hot. And yes I'm talking in the 90's, and some of you who live in reaaally hot places might scoff at my idea of hot. But lets be real here, you probably have a very good a/c and a pool. Around here, nobody has either one of those things.
What I have is a 4inch fan that I carry from room to room, imagining that its cooling the place down, when in reality it's probably doing diddly-squat.
Because of the heat, cooking has not been happening. The grill is out of juice, and the oven shouldn't be turned on.
I am also just lazy. Heat does that to a girl.
So what have I been doing to nourish myself during this oppressive time?
Mostly unhealthy ones. Like cookies and root beer floats.
But then what should appear at my doorstep one day, but a snack! a healthy one! a summery one!
What is this perfectly timed food item, you ask?
An all natural, certified organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, low calorie snack.
They come in two varieties (snacks and crumbles), and several flavors (salt, sesame, honey dijon, and cheddar cheese).
The first flavor I tried, was the sea salt snacks. These snack packs are only 25 calories each, and the whole thing only 2 servings! That means, you could eat the whole big pack for only 50 calories. Sounds like a good deal.
A quick disclaimer, I am not the biggest seaweed fan. I am very sensitive towards seafood, and its "fishy" taste. That said, this flavor is not for the faint of heart. Salt plus fishy equals an ocean in your mouth.
But these paper thin snacks did have a great texture compared to other seaweed brands I have tried in the past. While they melt in your mouth, they also had some crisp to them. I like me some crisp, ya know.
The sesame flavor is the only one that comes in both snacks and crumbles. I actually liked this flavor the best I think. It tasted like chinese chicken salad, subtly sweet and slightly sesame-ey. The thinness of the snacks still get to me, but they have a good flavor. The sesame also covered up a lot of the fishy taste, in my opinion; which is totally a good thing.
The crumbles however, I loved. In fact, I think these sesame guys might be a good addition to my chinese chicken salad, just mixed right in there.
They have the same great sesame flavor, but because they are in clumps instead of strips, they have a little more crunch to them.

Honey Dijon was the next flavor of crumbles to be tested.
They taste exactly as you would think honey and dijon would. When I opened the bag, I smelled a strong scent of mustard. Obviously, when I put it in to my mouth I expected a strong mustard flavor. Which I did get, but it was also surprisingly sweet. The crumbles have a perfect mix of honey sweet, and dijon tart. Good stuff.
Last but not least, is the Cheddar Cheese crumbles. This flavor is the only one of the bunch that is not dairy free. Because it was not dairy free, it is not a flavor I would eat-but for the good of the people, I went ahead and tried a small sample of it.
If you are not big on seaweed, but want all the benefits that come from it (go here to read about those benefits) this is the flavor for you.
The cheese taste completely covers up the ocean aroma, and it has the same flavor as all those other unhealthy cheese snacks. You know the ones I'm talking about.
So my friends, looking for a snack to beat the heat? to take along to the beach? or feed the kids?
Look no further!
These all natural, healthy snacks are great for anyone!
To read more about these GimMe Organic Seaweed snacks, including how they got there name, what the health benefits are, and why this brand is so much better than all the others, go here.
What are your feelings on seaweed? Love it or hate? Let me know!
*Disclaimer: While the products tested today, where provided for sampling-no monetary compensation was given. All opinions expressed on this site are my own without further influence.
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