Food Find:: Cybele's Vegan and Gluten Free Cookies

Happy Tuesday! 
I know its not a Friday, but we are going to have a Food Find today anyway. This product is just too good for me to keep to myself another three days! 

As you can tell from the photo above, today we are talking about cookies. Not just any cookies though, but gluten free/dairy free/egg free/soy free/nut free cookies that will rock your world.


{^^^ those cute barcodes that I love! woohoo!}

The cookies in question are Cybele's Free to Eat cookies.
These cookies are made in a dedicated gluten free facility, GMO free, certified kosher, vegan and free of the top eight allergens.
They are also amazingly good.

When I received this product, upon inspection I noticed the little blurb about how Cybele's cookies began. It tells of how the founder's son was diagnosed with several allergies, and that she began cooking everything from scratch. Eventually sharing her recipes and products with the world. What stuck out to me though, was the name. Cybele Pascal. I knew that name, I just couldn't place it...then it hit me. She's a cookbook author! and I have her cookbook! Two of them actually, and they are both my go-to books for allergen friendly recipes. (my gluten free white cake recipe was adapted from her Bakers Handbook)

Basically, moral of the story: I knew these cookies were going to be yummy and safe for me to eat.

Cybele's Free to Eat cookies come in three luscious flavors: Oatmeal Raisin, Chocolate Chip, and Chocolate Chunk Brownie.

Let's break 'em down! :

Oatmeal Raisin.
This cookie is packed with whole oats and sweet raisins.

As anyone with Celiac may know; oats are not always our friends. Some people, including myself, have a sensitivity to oats even if they are processed gluten free.

I was worried about this cookie, because I wasn't sure I could actually try it out.

But when I opened the package, such a wonderful aroma greeted me; that I had to try at least a little nibble.

So I did. 
And boy am I glad I did.

Its been many a year since I have eaten a fresh from the oven oatmeal raisin cookie, but this little guy brought me right back.
Sweet, chewy, soft, with a hint of cinnamon and the perfect amount of raisins mixed in. 
You know those oatmeal cookies that you feel like you are choking on giant flakes of oats? 
Not in these. 
You can taste the flavor from the oat, but you are not eating a big ball of oatmeal.

The only down side to this cookie was that I couldn't stop at a little nibble.
 I ate three.
My stomach didn't thank me, but my taste buds sure did.

Next up is the Chocolate Chip cookie.
 Again, this is a cookie that stays true to its classic flavor.

It taste exactly like a chocolate chip cookie should, without all the ingredients that are harmful.

The chocolate chip cookie is chewy, chocolatey and just the right proportion of sweetness.

This box was the first to be finished off, they are just too good! 

This flavor is also an award winner. 
They won Prevention's Cleanest Packaged Food Award and the Today Show's "Healthiest Sweet" award.
If you don't want to take my word for how good they are, take Al Rokers.

Last, but certainly not least: The Chocolate Chunk Brownie cookie.

 This cookie was a little bit different from the other two, in that it was a lot crunchier. 
It is also a whole lot chocolaty-er.

Two things I can't complain about.

This cookie is chocolate based and filled with chocolate chunks, which creates a very rich flavor very similar to that of a brownie.
It does have a bit of a fruity aftertaste to it, which is probably credited to the grape juice and carrot fiber it has listed as ingredients; but no doubt also what gives this cookie 3 grams of fiber.
I'll take it.

So my dear readers, what we learned from this Food Find (not on a Friday) is that Cybele's Free to Eat vegan and gluten free cookies, are worth a purchase.

They are allergy friendly cookies that taste like the real deal, without the additives of processed foods, or the gritty texture of other gluten free baked goods.

To locate a store that carries Cybele's cookies, or to read more about this product; go to Cybele's Free to Eat website at cybelesfreetoeat.com.
Also be sure to check out Cybele Pascal's allergen friendly website and cookbooks for delicious recipes!


*While the product in review today was provided for tasting, no monetary compensation was given in exchange for this post. All opinions expressed are my own, without outside influence. Translation: these cookies are good, and nobody paid me to say so.


  1. So yummy! thanks for sharing! :) wish they were sold around here somewhere...then again, maybe it's a good thing they're not! ;)

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