A Follow Up to that Last, Sorta Depressing Post

Carina Bean Goes to the Dentist ::

Guess what guys?! There is one part of my body that isn't lousy! Who woulda thought, right?

Let me tell you the tale of my dental adventure, kay.

First off, this all began with a discovery of a sharp edge, which kept poking my tongue. (ok, I kept touching it with my tongue on purpose, but whatever. no self control remember.)
So in a casual conversation with my mother, I just happened to mention that I very most likely had a whole in my tooth. This is apparently not something that can be mentioned to a parental casually, without further discussion, and before I knew it, I had an appointment for later that week.
Thats when the freaking out began.
I was sure I had a cavity growing in every one of my precious teeth. Seeing how my last visit to the dentist was three million years ago, (we're talking 2006 guys. gross.) it was a very real possibility. In my mind, I would rather not know the impending doom; so the old "its better to know" concept doesn't help me at all.
The day came, I had anxiety all morning, and flossed my teeth five hundred times as a last ditch effort.
X-rays, ugg. They were just as annoying as I remembered them.
Somebody talking to you, with their hands in your mouth, and while you can't respond; still obnoxious.
Although, if peoples mouths didn't gross me out, that could totally be a great job for me. I could talk about things all day!

When all was said and done, I have one itty-bitty microscopic cavity, that will get filled just to prevent it from growing. I also have a chip on a molar, which was what was poking me.

My dentist was very disappointed.

See in you in another seven years, Doc!

On Vegetarianism ::

I am only eating meat, at most, every other day (once a day).

The days I don't eat meat: I sleep like a rock.
Seriously, insomnia gone.

Penny-La-Poop Goes to the Vet ::

My baby is getting old.
I am paranoid.
I am more paranoid and anxious over this pup, then anything else on the planet. Even my teeth.

She has a naked bum, and half a rat tail.
She also has a bald spot and tumor infested ears.

One shot, a bottle of pills, and a cone of shame later; and she's on her way to recovery.
Supposedly, the tumors on her ear flaps, are nothing to worry about.
I am still worried.

This is why I can never have children.


  1. Naked bums and bald spots are normal with small children...rat tails and ear tumors are not...so...children only induce half as much anxiety as elderly dogs. :)

  2. Naked bums and bald spots are normal with small children...rat tails and ear tumors are not...so...children only induce half as much anxiety as elderly dogs. :)
