Watching: Finished Friends and then I felt the inevitable end of series on Netflix void but then Netflix was like here watch 3rd Rock now, so I did. Bringing back the 90's child feels and all that.
Plus you guys, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. A Tina Fey \ Netflix original that you can totally knock out in one afternoon.
In a theater type way, saw Cinderella did not love it, saw Insurgent and it was ehhh.
Reading: I re-read The Help the other day and am going back through my bookshelf for some rereads, but I need some new book suggestions, if you should have any.
Wearing: I need to go shopping. I have nothing for warm weather. But also wearing some Laced hair on the days when my short hair giving me enough style flexibility.
Eating: I made some potato chips a few weeks ago, because it seemed like the right thing to do at the time, but now I'm addicted. I have this thing where I can't eat things without the addition of a crunchy thing, so potato chips are my biggest vice. (I literally cannot eat a sandwich without chips. Unless its a pb&j.) I feel like making them yourself though, in a small little frying pot that can only fit like four potato slices at a time is a really good diet technique. It forces you to eat a little bit at a time, and then after about one potato worth your so over the whole thing you'd rather be hungry then fry another batch. I tell you this from experience.
Also the oven has gone kaput, so stove top, bbq or frying is all I have in my life right now.
Also the oven has gone kaput, so stove top, bbq or frying is all I have in my life right now.
Listening: New albums from Kodaline, James Bay, The Mowglis, and Shawn Mendes. Rinse repeat.
App-ing: For some reason I was given the opportunity to have the HBO app free for a month, so my little eyes have been glued to my iPhone every night watching all the movies I haven't yet seen, or will just watch again because I can.
Also just discovered the other night thanks to twitter friends, the app myidol where you can make yourself into a cartoon. It's all in Asian of some sort, which is a little iffy on the language understandability side, but still.
Also just discovered the other night thanks to twitter friends, the app myidol where you can make yourself into a cartoon. It's all in Asian of some sort, which is a little iffy on the language understandability side, but still.
Craving: Not much actually. A couple months into this elimination diet, and the cravings for things I can't have have pretty much gone away. I do find a nice glass of chocolate almond milk or homemade french fries is good for the soul though.
Drinking: This last week I discovered juice, and it hasn't really been a good thing for my life. I'm not really into juice or soda or any sugar syrup type liquids, but Costco has some 100% pure apple juice that has found its way to my heart.
Googling: You may have seen this Google wannabe site that associates your search with all things Drake. It's totally gone viral, and is pretty hilarious. (be careful around small children if you should click on the feeling Drizzy button, it my not be all together appropriate) It also happens to have been created by the husband of a former co-worker/friend who is the sweetest thing ever with the cutest baby to exist.
Coloring: I think I'm starting to come out of my everything-needs-to-be-white-and-neutral phase, because I suddenly find myself wanting to be surrounded with bright neon things. I don't own anything in that color scheme, so its a bit of a dilemma.
Shopping: Still poor, still have a lot of bills and still saving to move across the pond next year. That said, I am going to need some weather appropriate clothing here pretty soon, as despite always having lived in California, my entire wardrobe lives in the fall season.
I also need to upgrade my camera, because my current Nikon is several years old and has been outgrown in the photographic ability department. That purchase isn't happening any time soon, but any suggestions? I want a good high quality camera, but I don't necessarily need the top of the line, professional photographer style one. Make sense?
I also need to upgrade my camera, because my current Nikon is several years old and has been outgrown in the photographic ability department. That purchase isn't happening any time soon, but any suggestions? I want a good high quality camera, but I don't necessarily need the top of the line, professional photographer style one. Make sense?
Playing: In a not really fun game type way, I've discovered some pretty high quality workout videos on Amazon Prime. Like singlet and leg warmer type situations.
Crafting: I have a lot of DIY thoughts that I'm not quite sure how to concur yet. Once I figure it out though, you will totally be the first to know. These are cool Pinterest-able thoughts guys, not lame things.
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I also have a crunch problem in the sandwich. Must be genetic.