I got a twofer for you today because I love you that much and also because it just happens to work out that way.
For reasons I have not yet explained to you, but will be at some point when I feel like doing it...I have found myself requireing a milk substitute without a lot of very specific ingredients.
Particularly, I needed an almond milk that does not have vanilla or locust bean gum which does not seem to exist in the grocery world. The ones that don't have vanilla have locust bean gum, the ones without locust bean gum had vanilla. Rather rude of them to play it that way if you ask me.
But that led me here, to making my own which as it turns out is incredibly easy.
Even better, it has only a couple ingredients. Not three hundred cancer causing ingredients that some almond milks include. (you know who you are. knock it off with that.)

Almond flour is a flour I like to use frequently, but as you know if you've ever bought some, does not come cheap.
I think the lowest I've found a little Bob's Red mill bag of it around here is like $11.99 or something like that. There used to be a store down the street that carried it for only 8 something, but they have since closed and been replaced by a everything is not actually only ninety-nine cents, 99cent store.
I know, doesn't make sense to me either.
One recipe of milk will not make a whole lotta of flour, probably only about 1/2 to 3/4 a cup of flour to one recipe of milk. But, if you make a milk batch every week, by the end of the month you will have basically the same amount of flour that those little Bob's bags provide.

{ click recipe to print }
Enjoy! xoxox
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