Have you heard?
Just announced, Enjoy Life's newest product: Decadence bars.
They look sooo yummy, and I can't wait to get them in my belly! Coming to stores near you (hopefully) May 2013.
to read more about it, see Enjoy Life's blog here.
Also announced for arrival:
Toaster Pastries, which I am beyond excited for. Pop Tarts are one of those special things I crave all the time. I just wonder why the gluten free ones don't have frosting. Thats really the best part.
and Pretzel Chips.
read about those here.
From Udis:
They hava a whole slew of new products coming out. Including, granola cluster, ancient grain crackers, granola bars, and some new cookie flavors.
I spot a Maple Pecan Chocolate chip something that sounds really yummy..
You can check out their website here.
No new news (thats a mouth full) on what Rudis will be revealing, but they did recently create a line of tortillas which I am hoping to try one of these days. The spinach ones look especially tasty,
Rudis website here.
It so exciting that these days there are so many great Gf products on the market, and that these companies continually strive to create new and tasty recipes for us all to enjoy.
I only wish I got to go to all these expos that are starting to go down, and try them out for myself. sigh.
What gluten free products are you most excited for? Any particular foods you miss since going GF?
This is not a sponsored post, purely me sharing good news!
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