Turkey: To brine or not to brine?

For Thanksgiving this year, I had the pleasure of bringing two turkeys into my home.

What better way to enjoy the holidays, but at Spa ala Carina. Turkey one was to relax in a rejuvanating herbal bath, while turkey two decided on the dry rub and butter treatment.

Who turned out better, you may ask?

Hands down, no doubt about it, the brining won.

This was not the first experience I've had brining a turkey, my first time was a Christmas a few years ago; but since then, its the only way I'll do it.

After you've found yourself a nice gluten-free turkey, you need either a large pot or a brining bag. In the past, I have gotten the brining bags from Bed Bath and Beyond. However last year the bag I bought had a million little holes all over it, and decided a pot was definitely the way to go. 

The past couple of turkeys, I have used the brining mix from World Market. It is easy to use, and has a great blend of seasoning. It does take a while to make though, and your whole house will fill up with its scent.

Add the mix to boiling water, and let cool comletely.

After the brine is cool, you may enter the turkey (after its been washed of course). The turkey must be breast up and completely submerged. 
Allow the turkey to brine for 12-24 hours, (overnight is best) rotating bird halfway.
Before cooking, wash the brine off the turkey. No rubbing or seasoning neccesary-the brines seasoning is soaked into the meat already.

The brined turkey ended up sooooo much moister than the non brined turkey, but when leftovers come out-the two meats tasted about the same.

Happy cooking!