Chicken Marsala and Gluten Free Naan bread

I'm facing the reality that nothing is going to get done around here until I finish Gilmore girls. I have had absolutely no motivation to do anything all week, I call it the Netflix curse. Every time I start a new series I get thoroughly obsessed until its over, and promise myself to not start a new series ever again. I just cannot control myself to just one or two episodes. It is a serious world issue. 

In the meantime, I'll go ahead and share with you a couple of recipes that I have fallen in love with as of late. I can take absolutely no credit for them, other then switching dairy items to non-dairy products. The photos and the love though, those are all mine.

Ever since I saw The 100 Foot Journey movie back in September, I have had a craving for Indian food. It all just looked sooooo good. So after the movie, I did what any other red blooded american would do, I turned to Pinterest. 
And I found this recipe from Chew Out Loud. And it is perfection.
 The recipe is naturally gluten free, but not dairy free. So to fix that, I just bought some So Delicious dairy free yogurt for the chicken and used coconut cream instead of the heavy cream in the sauce. It worked splendidly. I could even happily take out the chicken, and have it be a vegetarian dish.

To make the dish even better, go ahead and make some of this gluten free naan bread from Gluten Free on a Shoestring. Also a Pinterest find, also delicious.
I have made this recipe three different times now, each time with a different ingredient to replace the yogurt in the original recipe. The first time, I used goat yogurt from Trader Joe's, because somebody thought it would be a good thing to try, and so it was in the fridge already and I was using the bread for chicken gyros, so it seemed appropriate. It was not a good thing to try after all, really it was gross yogurt. The bread worked fine, but had a bit of a funny smell to it, and was rather tough as it cooled. The next time I made it, I used So Delicious coconut yogurt, and it was so beautiful. Smelled so good, looked so purty, and tasted amazing. The third time, I was too lazy to go to the store, so I used a can of coconut cream in place of the yogurt. It worked all right, better the goat yogurt, not as tasty as the coconut yogurt; but I would definitely use it again in a time of crisis.

The only down fall with this bread, is that it really only tastes good fresh and warm. As the time goes by, it gets tougher and less flavorful. So I would make as you go, rather then cooking all eight at once if there isn't eight people there to eat them.

 So there you go, an easy dinner for you to make tonight. A perfect warm treat to get you through the Bay area storm, if it should effect you at all. 
I have been waiting patiently for the floods, thunder, lightning and heavy rain that was supposed to be coming here on the Central Coast. But, nothing. All I woke up to this morning was a few puddles, and not even a patio chair knocked over. And we're back to clear blue skies today. So lame.

Anyway, Enjoy! xoxox

1 comment:

  1. Some of us enjoy the rain without the damaging side effects ;)
